Auto Sweet Mango Feminised Silver

Auto Sweet Mango Feminised Silver

15.00ლ 9.00ლ


Errors Seeds Silver

Auto Sweet Mango Feminized cannabis seeds are sure to please connoisseurs of premium weed. When smoked, it gives off an inimitable mango flavor with a fruity aftertaste and a slight acidity. The strain is suitable for both indore and outdoors. For indore: 7 weeks of flowering with yields of up to 700 g/m². Can bloom in any light period from 12 to 18 hours of light per day. For outdoors: 7 weeks of flowering with yields of up to 60 to 80 g c plant. Can bloom at any time of the year as long as the temperature is above 10°C. Very strong plant, has long branching 70-100 cm high. The effect is long lasting and highly intoxicating.

Awards: the cultivar has not been awarded yet.

comment_comments 2

tornike (17/08/2020)


dato (26/07/2020)

გასამარტივად გასკდა, ჩარგვიდან მალევე ამოყო თავი მაგრამ გარსი არ ძვრებოდა, შემდეგ მოვაძრე და ჩამპალია მთლიანად. მაგრად გამიტყდა ესე რომ დავრჩი ცარიელი.