Auto Critical Feminised Gold

Auto Critical Feminised Gold

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Errors Seeds Gold




7-8 weeks


Sativa\Indica\Ruderalis (Hybrid)

Life cycle:

2-2.5 months

Smell during flowering:



Critical + x Roadrunner


500-800 g/m²

Plant height:

100-150 cm

Auto Critical Feminised

Feminized autoflowering cannabis seeds Auto Critical Feminised are famous for their vigorous growth rates and strong flowering. This is one of the best modern indica varieties. Despite the obvious predominance of indica in the composition of the hybrid, the structure of the bushes is more than eloquent confirmation that it also contains sativa genes. Auto Critical Feminised produces strong plants with tight, thick stems with wide internodes that allow light to penetrate unimpeded to the lower part of the bush.


Auto Critical Feminised contains indica, sativa and ruderalis genes intertwined in a ratio of 65x20x15. The culture has excellent characteristics that it inherited from its parent varieties. The hybrid was obtained using the latest achievements of modern breeding through a cross between the original Critical and Ruderalis.

comment_comments 5

Nugo (07/08/2019)

2 tvis ar ari da sastaulia.neta suratis dadeba shemedzlos

zurab mameishvili (22/11/2018)

gamarjobat..ukve samjer gamoviwere am saitidan es kekali da zalian kmayofili var visac gainteresebt es saqme girchevt amis gamowerass

tornike (14/06/2018)

araa nugzar argaputoo tore meree inaneb exlac dagamalbs mament magram daamwife da mere mixvdebi kidev kargi roargavputeoo

nugzar (01/06/2018)

erti ra mainteresebs auto critical xxl midgas 2 tvis gaxda gushin da ise gamoikureba sheidzleba xeli tamitsdes damariget xalxo ra vkna gavputo tu jer adrea.

dato (19/02/2018)

კაროჩე ძმებო თუ ვინმეს გაუზდია იმენა ეს ჯიში მითხრას. <3 უკვე ორი თვის ხდება და კიდე ყვავილობს არიწყებს გალოვკაში გადასვლას და რა გავაკეთო 18-6 მაქვს სულ და ხოარ შევამცირო შუქი განათება და 12-12 ზე გადავიყვანო?